• abhishek.vyas started taking the course Dataiku: Level 01 2 years, 11 months ago


    Dataiku: Level 01

    For most people and organizations behind data projects, the process leading to a final data application is often fastidious, hard, and very long. Multiple tools are utilized by data scientists making the process longer, (possibly) less efficient and extremely opaque. From cleaning the data, visualizing it, modeling, and finally stitching it all, data scientists use several platforms and locations before even considering deploying their soluition. Dataiku, on the other hand believes that data projects must possess a level of straightforwardness and structure, offering a soothing simplicity. Hence, it develops unique advanced analytics software solution that enables companies to build and deliver their own data products more efficiently. Dataiku’s vision is a world where all companies, whatever their expertise, industry, or size, can transform raw data into business impacting predictions and products. Find out how we’re making this vision a reality for companies around the world. Dataiku is a “portmanteau” word combining Data (information produced or stored by a computer) and Haïku (a very short and structured form of Japanese poetry).