muLearn Courses

Talent management is not just a simple human resource key term one will come across. It is also committed to hire, manage, develop, and retain the most talented and excellent employees in the industry. In fact, talent management plays an important role in the business strategy since it manages one of the important assets of the company—its people. That is why companies should make the effort to effectively manage the employees to help them develop their skills and capabilities in order to retain them. Here are some reasons why companies should invest in talent management.

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6 Lessons
Optimization is knowing the most effective and efficient processes to get things done with a focus on continuous improvement. Organizations are faced every day with the challenge to produce more spending less. To grow, managers look for a way to improve its processes in a way that results in cost reduction and awareness about what each process represents in the business. It does not matter the tools, the technologies and resources invested. It is pointless how much money was invested or even the efforts made by the team. A sub-optimal process will never deliver the most efficient result possible. What process optimization can bring to you company is a way to reduce money, time and resources spent in a process, leading to better business results.

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6 Lessons
The basic mantra of today’s business is “we have to collaborate”. Collaboration in the workplace is a sign of an effective team as it harnesses the best out of two or more individuals together. Efficiency is an essential part of a team and an important aspect of the workplace. Collaboration generates a circle of knowledge […]

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6 Lessons
Everyone would enjoy being on the dream team. That’s a group of performers each skilled in his/her own specialties, pulling together accomplishing greater things than the added total of each performing separately. Most organizations talk teams, but primarily reward individual achievement. They also attract and promote people who sometimes resist the idea of tying their […]

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6 Lessons
With the amount of information available to us within a few keystrokes, it may seem that staying current should be getting easier—and this is partly true. The challenge lies in knowing when you need to look for information, and being willing to do so. One way to embrace changing facts is to be a nimble learner – someone who learns quickly, is open to the new and unfamiliar, and embraces all experiences as learning opportunities. While trust and confidence were key traits for leaders of yore, nimbleness and the ability to engage are just as important for business managers today. Our fast-paced, increasingly remote work environments require leaders who can inspire their workers while keeping up with change.

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6 Lessons
Communication is also important within the business. Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship between you and your staff, which can in turn improve morale and efficiency. It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you achieve your goals. Indeed, communication helps solve employee morale issues by keeping entire teams in the loop, making all team members feel useful within the workplace. This lack of secrecy not only boosts team spirit but it also has a positive effect on staff attitudes.

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6 Lessons
Nonviolent Communication — also known as NVC and often called “compassionate communication” — helps you create the high quality of connection out of which people naturally enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. When people experience a high quality of connection, they naturally want to play the latter of the two, and spontaneously feel motivated to create mutually beneficial outcomes. These approaches can be translated to handling difficult conversations in a professional setting.

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11 Lessons
The key to getting along with all kinds of people is to hold back or neutralize your personal reactions and focus on others first. Being savvy is working from the outside in. Then, interpersonal savvy becomes having a range of interpersonal skills and approaches and knowing when to use what with whom. The outcome is ease of transaction where you get what you need without damaging other parties unnecessarily and leave them wanting to work with you again.

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6 Lessons
Persuasion is one of the most important skills required by successful leaders in the workplace today. A good working knowledge of influence and persuasion can help one person to change another’s attitude, beliefs, or actions. To be successful, one must also understand the relationship between power and influence and how to use power and self-empowerment. Persuasion can be done by understanding how to assess one’s own level of influence, finding sources of personal power, learning strategies of influencing and persuading people, and learning how to implement those strategies.

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6 Lessons
Self-awareness, gives a foundation upon which to grow, develop, and take on new challenges. Deploying yourself against life and work is greatly helped by really knowing what you’re good at, average at, and bad at, what you’re untested in, and what you overdo or overuse. The Enneagram reveals important dimensions of leadership styles and assists leaders in better understanding what drives and motivates them as well as the impact that they have on others. The nine personality types describe what our core motivations and beliefs are and taken together they provide us with a map of how to see ourselves and one another more clearly.

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4 Lessons
A good leader is willing to act and follow through. This means that a leader must be able to communicate his vision, set priorities and develop and execute plans to achieve these set outcomes. An outcome oriented mindset implies that organizational performance always takes precedence over other activities.

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5 Lessons
A good leader strives to understand what triggers people's engagement and keeps focuses to keep it high. However, leadership in the modern day world involves dealing differently with different people. A varied approach needs to be taken with a certain set of people, and leaders need to adapt to individuals differently. This module focuses on the core skills required to drive engagement among people.

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5 Lessons
Organizations are made up of diverse people with differing opinions and competing interests. Therefore, conflict is a natural part of organizational life. Handled badly, conflict can disrupt productivity and damage relationships. However, if handled well conflicts are opportunities for collaboration and resolving issues. This short course will introduce you to managing conflict effectively.

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9 Lessons
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5 Lessons
The course helps understand team dysfunctions as described by Patrick Lencioni. It also provides a useful assessment questionnaire to map the state of the team along with tips for moderators to cure common dysfunctions.

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5 Lessons