
Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is one of the key big-data analytics related services in the Amazon Web Services technology stack. Redshift can handle thousands of Terabytes (petabyte) sized data in a clustered environment, and provides data warehouse as a service on Amazon Cloud platform. Redshift is one of the relatively easier services to learn for big data scale analytics - which means an easy gateway to your entry in the big data analytics world.

10 Lessons

By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Develop thorough understanding of Redshift architecture, processing and performance aspects
  • Work independently on Redshift development as well as administration
  • Recognize scenarios for implementation of Redshift and understand use-cases with an emphasis on scalability
Level: NA
Duration: 12 Hours
Pre-requisites: Basic Data Engineering Concepts (Data Engineering for Induction), SQL (Level 1)
What’s next: NA