
Attracting top talent

Organizations need to be filled with talent. For many organizations, it's the single biggest driver of organizational performance. Achieving goals is easier when there are enough of the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. When there is a full and flowing pipeline of diverse talent ready to take on the next challenge. Success relies on understanding what the organization, unit, or team is trying to achieve and making the right hiring and staffing decisions in line with that.

5 Lessons

There is very little out in plain sight when it comes to evaluating people. Spotting talent may seem like it comes from instinct. What is more likely is that instinct is actually an intuitive sense that’s developed from much careful study of human behavior. To evaluate people well, you need to be a master observer. Accurately assessing strengths and weaknesses and having the courage to act on that assessment. Knowing that the talent decisions you make impact every part of your organization-from creating a workforce that brings to life the company values and brand, to one that is ready to take on the challenges of today and tomorrow. You’ll be most effective when you know how to assess and select talent. When you’re able to build a quality pipeline of talent that strengthens the resilience of the organization and its ability to innovate, adapt, and survive.

Attracting and selecting the best talent to meet current and future business needs. If you hire the best and brightest, you will solve whatever issues arise in the future.
Lee Kun-hee (South Korean business magnet and Chairman of Samsung Group)