
R Shiny: Level 01

The R Shiny package facilitates an automatic "reactive" binding between inputs and outputs, and contains extensive pre-built widgets, using which powerful and interactive web applications can be easily built. Apart from web applications, R Shiny can also be used to create dashboards, or standalone applications which can be hosted on a webpage or embedded in R Markdown documents. Like most other web applications, Shiny applications too can be extended by employing CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions.

6 Lessons


By the end of the course, learners would be able to:

  • Understand concepts and importance of reactivity programming in R Shiny
  • Know various methods of deploying R Shiny applications on the web browser
Level: Level 01
Duration: 20 hours

R Programming: Level 01
R Shiny: Level 0

What’s next: TBD