
ReactJS: Level 02

React Js is a power full JavaScript Library created by Facebook to handle user interfaces for web application. It allows developers to handle major challenges faced while building user interfaces for dynamic web applications. React handles only the view of MVC pattern and can be used together with other back end frame work such as Node. The technology has seen widespread adoption across industries with websites such as AirBnB, imgur and feedly actively using it.

30 Lessons

By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps
  • Create user experiences by leveraging the JavaScript with ease
  • Know about React Hooks & Class-based Components

Primary source of the course:

Course contributors:

  1. Mohamed Arruman Shalik A M
  2. Kartik Chourey
Level: 02
Duration: 40 Hours
Pre-requisites: HTML: Level 01

CSS:Level 01


What’s next: ReactJS: Level 03

Forms and Form Validation


Adding Redux to our project

Redux advanced

Redux advanced burger project

Adding authentication to burger builder

Improving our burger builder


Deploying web apps

Working with webpacks


Animation in react app

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