
Developing Business Acumen

Business/finance acumen can become a very dry subject and hard to teach, but the importance of this understanding is critical to a business. Training your employees on business acumen means they’ll make more profitable decisions, they think more strategically and look at the bigger picture in the context of organizational success. Employees with financial literacy can read a Profit and Loss account, but do they really understand it? The answer is probably no! Employees with Business Acumen will be able to read and understand the financial terms and what they mean in relation to the company as a whole. Employees within a company that develops Business Acumen, will be able to see how they fit into the company and how their actions affect the bottom line. They are more likely to engage and understand their roles more effectively. Owners have to understand both financial literacy and acumen to know how that business makes money. They need to understand how it produces Sales, Profit, and Cash.

5 Lessons