
Managing Ambiguity

Whether at work or off work, people constantly face situations that are ambiguous or uncertain-where it's not clear what the problem is or what the solution is Where the unknown outweighs the known by a wide margin. Some studies estimate that 90% of what managers deal with is at least somewhat ambiguous. New demands, new technology, new marching orders, new processes. Nothing lasts very long. ln an era when clarity is scarce and certainty is fleeting, relying on solutions. That have worked in the past may seem safe, but it's actually risky. New times require new solutions. Solving problems and getting things done in this volatile context means being willing to forge ahead when the path is foggy, at best. It means adjusting your approach--to both problems and people-to match changing conditions. To surrender the need to be sure. The world is getting less and less predictable. By having a mindset geared to viewing uncertainty as the new normal, you'll be better prepared when the next unknown appears. And better prepared to view that unknown as an opportunity to capitalize on.

4 Lessons

Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world.

Look at something and think what else it might be.

Roger von Oech – American speaker, conference organizer, and author